Competition Information
Below is all the information needed to be able to understand and enter all of the mens fixtures for the 2021 Season. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the Committee.
All Competitions Cards must be signed by a Mens Member.
Competition fees must be paid before starting your round.
Members tee times will be played from 8:00am, the amount of tee times will depend on the number of entries to the competition. You must be signed up to enter the Members Tee Times competitions.
All day competitions can be entered all day, you will need to pre-book your tee times yourself.
All online sign ups for Members Tee Times will close on the Thursday before the competition at 7:00pm, if you still want to enter the competition then you will need to contact either John Prette or Dave Williams.
Competition Draws for Members Tee Times will be sent out the day before by 5:00pm.